
cheeseburger perfume

there are too many butts in the yard
purple sunglasses andy fuzzy bouquets
in glroius song from the core of the earth
firing earth-bound day to a myriad-pointed bright
flies fly in space and creatures crawl on earth
it was just then that the gates swung open
and the heavy thoughts were drawn back to a time prior
to sifting ant-arctic-dry-air through agony-wrenched teeth
sharp, white, the balls rest heavily on density
encroached, limiting our movement and enhancing our insticts (instrincts if you may)
they float by like thoughts without a mind
if clouds scatter brilliantly all waves to hues
saturated bowls of deodorized plum sauce
and cheeseburger perfume, cheeseburger perfume, cheeseburger perfume
that smells like delicious cheeseburgers lofting to my nose
pierced forever on the sourhern slope of Mont St. Michelle

from the collaborted creativities of Sam, Jerica, Paul and Myself


Blogger Tory Jane said...

what were you smoking? :)

10:33 PM  

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